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About Us

Welcome to Longhorn Neurotech, a student organization with a singular focus: facilitating your entry into the world of neural engineering. Our purpose is to provide you with the knowledge, experiences, and connections necessary for a successful career in academia or industry. Through active participation in the NeuroTechX (NTX) international undergraduate student competition, we offer a platform for you to sharpen your skills and collaborate with like-minded peers. This competition not only hones your abilities but also cultivates a sense of teamwork that is invaluable in the field. In addition to competition, we take education seriously. Our club is dedicated to creating and curating educational content that ensures a deep understanding of neural engineering concepts. We believe that a strong foundation is crucial for your growth in this complex field. Furthermore, we understand the significance of networking. Longhorn Neurotech provides opportunities to connect with guest speakers who are established professionals in neural engineering. Conferences and events organized by our club offer a chance to broaden your perspectives and create connections that may shape your future. In essence, Longhorn Neurotech is your stepping stone into the neural engineering domain. We invite you to join us in this journey of learning, collaborating, and networking, as we equip you with the tools to thrive in the exciting realm of neural engineering.

Executive Officers



Taima Crean

Taima Crean is the President and Co-Founder of Longhorn Neurotech. She is a Junior studying Biomedical Engineering with a focus in computation and double minors in Business and Computer Science. In her work she uses deep learning to optimize radiation treatment for lung cancer patients. She has a passion for innovation and hopes to one day work on machine learning applications in healthcare.



Holland Ernst

Holland Ernst is the Captain and Co-Founder of Longhorn Neurotech, and he is a third-year biomedical engineering undergraduate planning to pursue a Master's BME with a specification in neural engineering. His mission is to bridge the gap between the brain and the vast world around us. Being part of Longhorn Neurotech and collaborating with such remarkably talented and diverse individuals not only excites him but also drives him forward in the pursuit of a career in neural engineering and BCI.

Leadership Team

Leadership Team

Ella Nyenhuis

VP of Outreach:

Ella Nyenhuis

As a senior studying biomedical engineering, my role as VP of Outreach at Longhorn Neurotech allows me to explore my passion for the intersection of engineering and neuroscience. Outside of my academic pursuits, I find joy in swimming, baking, and immersing myself in a good book at a cozy coffee shop.

Tony Chae

VP of Public Relations:

Tony Chae

Tony Chae is a Junior Electrical and Computer Engineering student with a minor in Philosophy interested in brains, minds and machines. In his free time, Tony practices meditation, enjoys reading, cooking, working out (including ice skating, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and running), photography, and exploring nature.

VP of Finance

VP of Finance



Ethan Chow

Signal Processing Specialist

Ethan Chow

Ethan Chow is a 4th year biomedical engineering student. He is interested in computational mutagenesis, simulating intrinsically disordered proteins, and protein NMR. In his free time Ethan enjoys rock climbing, playing chess, and coding personal apps to streamline his life.

Alan Fletcher

Hardware Lead:

Alan Fletcher

I am a 4th year BME and member of the Longhorn Band. My prospective career is in clinical prosthetics/orthotics and I am currently doing research in Dr. Fey's Systems for Augmenting Human Mechanics Lab.

Nathan Feldt

Software Lead:

Nathan Feldt

I am a Junior Neuroscience and Math double Major. I am originally from Seattle but Austin is my second home. I love to Golf, watch Texas Football, and do all things Neuroscience.

Josh Bledsoe

R&D Lead

Josh Bledsoe

Hey! My name is Josh, and I’m a senior biomedical engineer. I thoroughly enjoy challenges, which is why I am so excited to study the brain! I am aiming to earn my PhD after graduation in Neuroengineering and begin working on developing devices that interact with the brain. Outside of that, I enjoy 3D modeling, reading whatever I can get my hands on, and leading a small group at my church.

Vivek Beeram

Machine Learning Specialist

Vivek Beeram

My name is Vivek. I'm a junior neuroscience/Plan II student interested in neural evolution and neural network architecture. I'm excited to start building with this team and taking on cutting-edge BCI challenges. I enjoy climbing, exploring nature, and playing chess.